Bacopa Munnieri Q
This mother tincture is useful in improving  mental focus and memory for healthy people . This tincture is used in nervous system disorder, neuralgia, epilepsy, improves mental capacity , memory and concentration and helps the person in learning. It has also been used externally for development of healthy hair, and works in cool down the head . It is used to sharpen dull memory. It gives relief from nervousness neurosis.It improves knowledge and reduces any type of stress.
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Anacardium Orientale 30
Memory loss can be treated by Anacardium . It is useful at first  when the impact on memory is absent mindedness. Works great when one is  unable to recall what they have read before. Anacardium Orientale is best solution for loss of memory and mental weakness. One of the symptom is , the patient is upset about his forgetfulness and carelessness of  mind, another symptom is patient  forgets everything about himself like his own name ,his dear friends as well notable spots. Incredible illusion, dreams and fantasies. This medicine can help people who are generally inattentive and lacks confidence. It is great to have when , in stressful circumstances like exams.
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Kali  Phosphoricum 6x
Kali phosphoricum is exceptionally effective in treating memory-related issues . This is an extraordinary stress buster for kids who are studying or giving exams as well for individuals who work in an exceptionally unpleasant environment. Â This remedy helps to sharpen the brain and overcome insomnia (sleeping disorder)Â caused by constant mental strain.
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Pooja Talwar
It is really helpful